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A Word from Jeff Dardis

I am so excited to offer quality professional home improvement services to the community. My passion and easy-going personality will be at the forefront of every project with The Dardis Company, and I guarantee an open line of communication throughout the process.

dardis family with dog on railroad track

A Trustworthy Home Improvement Professional

Finding the right person for the job can be a headache, and you shouldn’t feel like you’re settling for subpar services. You won’t be disappointed in my work. Whether you’re looking for a bathroom remodel, carpentry service, painting job, miscellaneous project, or repair, you’ve come to the right place. After being in the industry for decades, I have the confidence and experience needed to accomplish any task, from any customer.

An Open Line of Communication

I believe that at the core of every home improvement or repair project lies a trusting relationship between the client and the professional. Every job I complete starts out the same way – with a genuine, honest conversation about your project goals. I truly want to get to know you and understand what you’re looking for, where your priorities and constraints lie, and what you might be concerned about. From there, I’ll get down to business and make the entire process as stress-free for you as possible. Your time is valuable, contact me today!

Contact Me Today!