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Bring Your Bathroom Back to Life

Your bathroom is one of the busiest areas in your entire house, and its appearance shouldn’t be overlooked. Sometimes all your bathroom needs to feel like new again is a quick touch-up. Other times, you’re ready to throw in the towel and start from scratch. Whether you’re just ready for a design refresh or concerned about the state of old plumbing, contact me today!

bright white bathroom

For a Quick Refresh or Remodel, Call Today!

Do you have a chipped tile in the corner of your bathroom that you’ve been covering up and ignoring for years? Is there a light fixture that you’ve never loved but haven’t had the time to deal with? Whether the project is large or small, I have the expertise to walk you through every step of the remodeling process.

Ready to Handle It All

Your bathroom can also be a hub of opportunities for water damage, mold, and mildew, which makes the upkeep and regular maintenance of this area even more crucial. Oftentimes, we don’t notice the problem until it’s too late. Investing in bathroom upgrades can save you time and money in the long run. Whether it involves cleaning and repairing grout, fixing that irritating leaky faucet, or installing a new toilet or showerhead, I have you covered at The Dardis Company. I’m prepared to handle the dirty work and complete every repair to your satisfaction. Call today and let’s get started!

Contact Me Today!