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Construction and Installation

Having high-quality carpentry projects visible in your home can add tremendous value and transform the space’s overall look and feel. These types of projects require skill and an eye for detail. I have the carpentry experience needed to complete the project correctly and efficiently.

fireplace shelving and chair

Built From Scratch or From the Box

Whether your next carpentry project involves major home remodeling or minor assistance building an item you purchased, I can help! Quality carpentry is something worth investing in because subpar services will cause you even more headaches in the future. Not sure where to start with the process? Whether your home feels more modern, vintage, or anywhere in between, I’ll help you design and construct a project that fits seamlessly and enhances the ambiance. Have an item picked out and just don’t have the time to put it together? You’re covered there, too! I can help with the design, build, and installation of the following projects (among many others!):

  • Bookcases
  • Crown Molding
  • Custom Shelving
  • Doors

Priced Fairly – Every Time

Carpentry expenses can really add up, especially if the carpenter tries to tack on additional line items that they think you won’t notice. You can trust that you’ll receive fair prices for all work with an extensive explanation of where your money is going. I’ll explain every step in the process and ensure that you’re completely satisfied along the way. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice quality for affordable services – I’ve got you covered at The Dardis Company!

Contact Me Today!