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Everyday Maintenance for Long-Term Protection

Any home that is loved and lived in is going to experience some level of wear and tear over the years. Just like a car that needs oil changes on a regular basis, your house needs home maintenance. Things that seem like small issues probably are minor at the time, but you don’t want them to grow into expensive headaches down the line. My maintenance and renovation services are available to help you avoid costly repairs later. Give me a call today to get started.

brown fence

No Maintenance Project is Too Small or Too Large

We all get busy sometimes, and some tasks just slip through the cracks. There are some projects that you might prefer to handle on your own, but life may just be too hectic to move that task to the top of your to-do list. No matter how large or how small your maintenance project is, The Dardis Company can help you make that stressor disappear. Here are just a few of the areas where I can help you out:

  • Electrical Issues
  • Fencing Maintenance
  • Gutter Cleaning
  • Leak Prevention and Repair
  • Patching Drywall
  • Power Washing
gutter and downspout on a house

Small Improvements Can Go a Long Way

Is there a space in your  home that’s been overlooked for a while? Maybe it’s not being utilized at all, or maybe you’re hoping to find more enjoyment in it. Every corner of your house has the potential to add value to your life, and I can help you bring that value to the forefront at The Dardis Company. Whether you’re looking to add additional storage, make your home more energy-efficient, or find a new use for an attic or old room, I’m here to help.

Contact Me Today!