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High-Quality Services Across the Board

We’ve all had those projects that just get pushed to the side and ignored for years. The things we’d like to get done eventually but don’t really see them as a priority. However, there’s no time like the present, and my services through The Dardis Company can help you tackle those projects that are constantly moved to the bottom of your to-do list. As the old saying goes, “if not now, when?”

wood and white kitchen

Tackling Every Room in the House

You should feel satisfied and proud to show off every area of your home. From the ceiling fan to the window frames, from the handrails, I can do all types of projects. Give your home a fresh feel, and get ready to become the talk of the neighborhood at your next dinner party. No matter how “odd” your odd job is, I’ll make sure to provide a detailed estimate upfront so you can feel confident in your investment. Your time is valuable, contact me today.


Interior and Exterior Projects

Professional services are available to help residents avoid the hassle of any kind of assembly. Whether it’s a small item purchased from IKEA or an entire backyard deck that you need put together, I’d be more than happy to help you out! I can offer my services for both interior and exterior projects, including, but definitely not limited to, the following:


Bed Frames
Deck Furniture
Entertainment Centers


Shelving Units
TV Mounting

Happy to Cross Items Off Your To-Do List

After investing time and money during the process of picking out a new furniture item, you shouldn’t have to experience even more stress trying to get it ready for use. I’ll accomplish the task quickly and efficiently, so you won’t have to worry about it for another second. I’ll even help you arrange it in your home and get everything set up to your satisfaction.

Drywall Repair and Painting Services for Your Wisconsin Home

The walls of a house truly make the home. Drywall damage can be an eyesore, and wall color can have a huge impact on how we feel in our day-to-day lives. Even if you feel like don’t have any pressing home improvement needs, every house deserves a fresh coat of paint once in a while! Let’s get to work – contact The Dardis Company today to discover reliable drywall and painting services in Shorewood, Wis.

paint roller painting blue

A Fresh Coat

Nothing’s more refreshing livening up a dull space with a pop of color. It could spark an idea for a creative new design project, or even just offer some unexpected joy when your surroundings begin to feel monotonous. A blank slate can be intimidating though, especially on a project as important as your home. Whether you have no clue where to start or have already decided on a shade and brand of paint, I’d love to help you out with any interior or exterior painting job you may have. I guarantee that every project will be completed to your satisfaction!

High-Quality Drywall Repair

Do you have a hole in your wall that you’ve been covering with a hanging picture? Or maybe a crack in your ceiling that you’ve been hoping doesn’t grow larger? Drywall repair is something that definitely shouldn’t be ignored, as it can lead to even more damage down the road. I’m ready to help you tackle any drywall repair project you may have! I have experience with both new and older homes throughout the area. I’m also prepared to offer professional recommendations if you’re unsure of what the best path forward may be. Call today to find a solution for all of your painting and drywall needs!

Contact Me Today!